According to Huawei, the smartphone-to-superphone evolution will take place within a 12-year cycle similar to the one that saw Motorola invent the first feature phone in 1995 and Apple end that cycle by inventing the first smartphone in 2007.
Shao Yang, President of Strategy Marketing, Huawei Consumer Business Group (BG) said at the Huawei Innovation Day Asia in Singapore, “The intelligence of the superphone will continue to evolve and develop itself into digital intelligence, capable of empowering us with interactions with the world. Through evolution and adaptation, the superphone will be more intelligent, enhancing and even transforming our perceptions, enabling humans to go further than ever before.”
"Inspired by the biological evolution, the mobile phone we currently know will come to life as the superphone," he said.
Huawei said the superphone will take advantage of advancements in big data, cloud computing, and digital intelligence by tying in with the Internet of Things (IoT), where all physical things are digitalised.
The company said they are already working towards building the IoT by developing intelligence technologies such as big data analytics, software-defined networking, digital intelligence, and circumstantial intelligence platforms; connection technologies including IoT platforms and multi-device network standards; perception technologies as sensors, object recognition, and 3D scanning; and interactivity technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality.
Huawei has also entered into a number of strategic partnerships with Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Volkswagen to work towards connected cars. Mercedes-Benz and Audi are now integrating Huawei-built 4G communication modules within their vehicles.
The company also announced plans to invest an extra $600 million into 5G technology research and development (R&D) so it can launch its 5G network by 2020, which will be 100 times faster than 4G.
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